> Gallery
Artist's Perspective
Sociable Art
for a Wall-Less Society!

Art that can be "Walked-on and Stomped-on" ...used
and abused and even floated on water
Art that
can be shared!
Featured here is
Gutsche’s colourful and expressive, spontaneous liquid series.
"I have always been a great admirer of
the Abstract Expressionist movement with some distinct leanings towards
the Quebec Automatism movement from the 40's & 50's. Chance plays a vital
role in my flowing and non-geometric style. The natural spontaneity of my
painting results in imagery that departs from any representational
approach. I work with a full fluid motion of my arm and body often working
in layers of colour glazes. Allowing the paint to live and take on an
organic expression is fundamental in my work.
Pushing the paint across the surface is another method that I employ to
create swift improvisational gestures. It is in these works where I take
full advantage of the painting process to capture the moment.
Sometimes I get impatient when the paint
will not dry fast enough for me to dive in and get on with the next layer
or accents. With this layering I am drawing the viewer's eye deep into the
painting and moving it back again to the surface. The balance of harmony
in each of my paintings arrives only in the final layer or the tweaking of
the accents. I never want my audience to become bored. There is the desire
in each of my paintings to set up a dialogue between the painting and its
viewer. Colour, line, form, texture and most important spontaneity are
paramount in my fluid acrylic work."